April 29, 2010

rain, tulips and rainbows

On the way home from town, it was gorgeous! Blue skies and fluffy clouds...

However, because this is Washington, the weather quickly changed...

And in the middle of the shower, a double rainbow peeked though...

But once again the sun came out, as the water quieted on the lake...

Feeling a bit inspired, I stopped at DeGoede's Bulb Farm to catch a glimpse of color...

And by the time I reached home, all that remained were the puddles.

And that is a story of my rainy day commute.


  1. wow i love your blog and the way you write! :)
    pass from my www.theitalianpizza.blogspot.com

  2. You're so lucky to live near De goede's!!! I love that place so much!! :-) Beautiful flowers!

  3. I love tulips very much!! your blog is very inspirational!!

  4. Hi Susan..

    Marvelous field of flowers you got here.


  5. I enjoyed your "commute." I'll share my blog w/ you. Sometimes it is about saving, etc. and sometimes I just chat about what is on my heart. http://www.chatwithvera.blogspot.com
    I really like the pictures. You are gifted.

  6. This seems almost a picture of the tulip fields in Holland!

  7. Loved ur photos, very sweet and inspiring. :)
