December 22, 2010

Setting up Studio

Hi readers!

So here is what I've been doing the past month...getting my room/studio set up.  I painted the walls a beautiful "Woodwind Spring" blue...

I went to the local thrift store and picked up some cheap frames...I put up a wall collage of my favorite images I've collected...

And covered my cork board withe inspirational images.  You may notice an image by Blaze Bratcher, this little guy is so cute, with his jar of fireflies!

The last thing I did was make a huge mess of papers, pens, and india ink.  (you see a few new comic pages..)

1 comment:

  1. CUTE studio!! It makes me happy to have a piece on your board! I've been loving catching up on the blog! I'm hoping you are having a fabulous New Year!
