June 2, 2010

Goat Rocks Wilderness

Sometimes its good to go outside...and take a hike.

Like a day hike to Glacier Lake,
In the Goat Rocks Wilderness.
Where there are blankets of moss,
Vibrant red fallen trees,
scores of ferns,
and a friend makes the trip even better.
Just don't get excited the first time you see rocks because you still have a ways up to the lake.


  1. Is it not just amazing how nature creates life in death and beauty in destuction thanks for the great pic.

  2. I think I saw this on extreme loggers.

  3. that picture is so beautiful. :) it is nice to go outside.

  4. Hey Susan! I hope you are doing well! :) I just wanted to let you know I have a new blog! It's blazebratcher.wordpress.com. I accidentally deleted my other one. :( But it feels nice to have a fresh start!

    How are you? It looks like you are enjoying your family! :)

  5. yes, it's very refreshing- it clears the bad air you get from staying too long inside :)
