September 4, 2017

Dear James: Happy 4th Birthday!!

Dear James:
Happy 4th birthday!  You sir, are growing up to be such a great little boy.  You are 42 inches tall, 40lbs, and a whirlwind of adventures, activity and sounds.  Your eye is still crossing a bit, but you have been diligent with wearing your patches and glasses.  You are sleeping in your own bed all night, practicing asking for help when you need it, turning every stick into a sword, making every vehicle + animal noise possible, protecting Indigo from paper books and the stairs, and you are a great kid.  We love you dearly.  I am constantly amazed at your will power, coordination and intelligence.  You are awesome.  You LOVE playing with your cousins!  You love reading books snuggled under a blanket; you enjoy making hot cocoa with me and doing projects with Daddy.  You like playing outside, riding your bike, eating cookies, getting a spiced chai treat and picking out new books.  I cannot tell you how proud I am of you.  You are 100% boy.  You are curious about nature, God, family and why everything is the way it is.  I pray that you will continue to grow into a strong, healthy, spiritually-minded fella.

Mama + Daddy

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