November 5, 2016

Baby Clark III: 31 + 32 weeks

Dear baby,

You are 31 weeks along...217 days.  I'm feeling pretty well, and you my dear are growing ginormous!  You are growing each week, and measuring large in the 75th or so percentile for your weight.  Since you were 3 lbs 3 weeks ago, I'm guessing that you are quite a bit larger now.   Maybe we'll have a 8lb baby after all.  I've had a few bouts of contractions lasting 10 mins or so, which means I have to be extra careful on my activity level.  Otherwise, you are movingly strongly especially at night with kicks, rolls and jabs.  I love you little lady, and I was able to celebrate earlier with this month with some wonderful women.  You have a little nook carved out of a corner of your Daddy and my room, all gorgeous in coral, cream and white florals.  I hope that you like it.  Stay warm and safe. 

Love you babe, 

Dear baby,

Happy 32 weeks old.  Supposedly you are 17ish inches, and it feels like 5 trillion lbs.  Every I come into contact with remarks about how you must be due any day now...How do I kindly say that no, you're due in 2 months?  8 weeks until your due date little lady.  But I'm prepping for an earlier arrival - washing some newborn things and starting to pack an overnight bag for everyone.  32 weeks.  Its crazy to think we've been waiting that long to hold you and see your little face.  In a few weeks you'll be here, filling diapers, growing our hearts, waking at all hours of the night.  We couldn't be more thrilled to meet you little girl.  You tell you your name, and kiss your cheeks.

Love you always baby,

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