November 26, 2016

Little Clark III: 34 + 35 weeks

35 weeks
Dear baby girl,

I cannot say how many emotions have been raging through me this week...thoughts of both your brothers' births, wondering about yours, the anticipation, the excitement, the fears.  They are guessing you are at least 18 inches now and probably 5.5 lbs.  You definitely have the opposite sleep schedule of James...he was awake every morning at 4am kicking me awake and still rises at 5:30am.  You much prefer 10:30 at night.  Perhaps I'll have a little night owl to hang out with instead of my early morning men; I am definitely not a morning person.  I've been working hard at laying low, relaxing and keeping stress to a minimum, and you are staying put inside.  They say you are getting ready to really start gaining some weight, so that will be fun. We are debating when to get a Christmas tree and do some decorating around the house.  I'm guessing the earlier the better. Will you be with us for Christmas?  Will you be with us before?  It is such a waiting game.  Happy Thanksgiving!  My hope is still to make it to Dec. 2...that's just a week away!  We love you baby girl.  James is especially excited to give you kisses and hugs and play swords with...perhaps some of that will be coming later rather than sooner. 

Love you little girl,

34 weeks
Baby this past week was a doozy,

I was pretty sure that you were going to join us this past week.  You are growing big, 4.75ish lbs, 18 inches long.  It feels like you are huge.  Saturday I was having some issues and thought my water may have broken and was having some minor contractions.  So baby, we went to L+D...where they confirmed my contractions were 8 mins apart steadily, that my waters weren't broken, but that your heart little lady was dropping each contraction.  So they kept monitoring me and you for several hours and prepped for what would need to happen if you needed to be delivered.  We had a 30 min ultrasound tracking your movements, etc and were able to see your precious face.   Baby you pulled out, and your heart rate returned to normal so I went home - contractions an all.  For 5 days I was having contractions 8 mins apart so much rest was needed.  Goodness I was quite thankful to wake up Thursday morning with no pain, and a good night's sleep courtesy of no contractions.  Baby stay safe, stay warm, STAY INSIDE.  


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