December 30, 2016

Monthly Portrait: December

 How could I chose just one?

Getting to see all the cousins this month.
James - singing the Uncle John song - ah AH ah ahhh ahhhhhh
James - putting his own socks on
James - accepting that baby's name is Indigo and not Margaret
Indigo - birthday
Indigo - pushing to hold her head up

James - Indigo, Christmas, going to Starbucks with Mama
Indigo - eating, sleeping

Excited for:
Christmas presents
baby Indigo

And...lest you think those two are constant snuggle buddies...yes, he was wielding an 18" paintbrush.


  1. I so enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Susan, Indigo is absolutely beautiful!! I can't wait to meet her! James and the paintbrush sure made me smile! ~Jaime
