January 10, 2017

2016 December Garden Update

 December was a strange month weather wise which lead to some things sprouting early...like all the chamomile that self-sowed in the rock path.  The lemon balm is still going despite mulch, frost and snow.  However my agapanthus pretty much wilted/died in the snow leaving squid like remains.  Don't mind my little helper in the front door - he's working on weather appropriate clothing.
But he's always ready to lend a helping hand; especially if shovels or tools are involved.  
My oregano container has new leaves and a confused columbine start (in the bottom left).
And my succulents many of which went to seed this summer are now their winter purple with many chicks awaiting warmer weather for growing bigger.  We're waiting too...and dreaming of what to plant this summer...the plan changes weekly.  Strawberries are at the top of our list...and cosmos and basil and zucchini and snap peas. and. and. and.
Are you still getting anything from your garden, container or otherwise?  

1 comment:

  1. hi was just seeing if you minded a comment. i like your website and the thme you picked is super. I will be back. komposit hegn
