February 11, 2017

Dear Indigo: 2 months

Dear little Indigo,

You, my dear, are quite the precious one.  You love to sleep and are quite content most of the time.  Your preferred awake time is in the evenings and fussy times are 9-10pm.  We've discovered you are allergic to dairy like your brother, so none for me.  This month you've gained weight and height, now 11.5lbs and 23 inches!  I love your beautiful brown hair and think it is here to stay; I cannot believe how long it is already.  Your eyes are still blue-blue.  You love bath time, and being held while the holder is standing up...basically every child amiright? You are tracking faces, and making some coo-sighs every so often.   It melts my heart every time.  And your little smirks and pursed lips slay me.  Despite attempts on your life due to ignorant, innocent roughness, you are resilient.  The little dude loves you, most of the time, and simply wants to play.  We've been for a few walks, warmer weather permitting, and you prefer the carrier to the stroller much to James' joy. You are all outgrown from your newborn and 0-3mo clothes.  But you still can fit into your 3 month things.  I must say that they make little girl pants rather fitted, I bump you up a size so that your little legs and tummy are squished.  We love you little girl.  So much looking forward to watching your grow.


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